Navarro County Republican Women

The next meeting of the Navarro County Republican Women will be:

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 from 11:30am – 1:00pm at the Republican Headquarters, located at 111-B West Third Avenue, in downtown Corsicana. Social time and lunch begin at 11:30am, with the meeting and program to begin promptly at noon.

Make your lunch reservations by Saturday, March 22, with Janice Barlow.  RSVP via E-mail [email protected] or call/text at (909) 214-7779, or NCRW Facebook message.  Lunch is $10 at the door.

Bring a friend to lunch!!

The organization is open to all Republican women of Navarro County. Everyone who is interested is invited to attend the meeting and learn more about the Republican women’s organization.

Posted in Women.